The Centers for Disease Control says 34.2 million people have diabetes. Approximately half of those have diabetic nerve pain, which is essentially the same as peripheral neuropathy. In diabetics, this condition is caused when nerve cells are damaged or destroyed due to persistent high blood sugar.
However, diabetes is not the only cause of peripheral neuropathy. There are over 100 causes of neuropathy, including alcohol and drug use, certain prescription drugs like statins and blood pressure medication, chemical poisons like Agent Orange, and many other causes.
Is It Reversible?
Peripheral neuropathy can be reversed, but it is important to get an accurate diagnosis and treatment early on. Once a patient gets to 85% sensory loss, it can become a chronic condition, resulting in tissue death.
At 360 Chiropractic & Wellness, we offer a treatment protocol that does not involve the use of drugs, injections or surgeries. It is an FDA-approved, non-invasive approach that has a high success rate in eliminating pain and restoring function, mobility and range of motion to help a patient regain their quality of life.
Special Offer
We have a new patient special, which includes a comprehensive exam to diagnose your condition and calculate how much sensory loss you have, any necessary X-rays, and Dr. Matt’s complete report of findings. It also includes Dr. Matt’s book, Reversing Neuropathy, all for $49.
Learn More Today
Watch Dr. Matt’s complete Good Morning Texas interview to find out more, or contact us today to book your appointment!