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Patient Experiences Drug-Free Relief for Diabetic Neuropathy

person with foot painIf you’re like millions of Americans who suffer, you experience symptoms that can be uncomfortable or extremely painful. Some common symptoms are numbness, tingling, and a burning sensation in the feet. These are some of the most common symptoms of this damage or dysfunction of one or more nerves.

Peripheral neuropathy has many causes, and if left untreated, could lead to loss of legs. Those who opt for traditional medical care are given prescription after prescription. This approach, however, merely masks pain, and these medications don’t address the root cause.

Natural Treatment Is Available

Seeing the need to help people naturally, Dr. Matt offers a multi-step protocol that gets incredible results. This neuropathy treatment protocol, which is primarily done at home, includes nutrition and supplementation.

In 2019, Dr. Matt became board-certified through the American College of Physical Medicine. To achieve that certification, he underwent rigorous coursework and had to take a final test.

Jannie’s Story

Jannie has been under our care for a severe case of diabetic neuropathy. When she first came in, she felt like she was at rock bottom and didn’t have any hope of getting better. After taking advantage of our $49 New Patient Special, she continued with the 90-day therapy.

At her reevaluation appointment, Jannie went from 64% sensory loss to in the 30s. “I am grateful and I am happy to get back my quality of life,” she said. Jannie encourages anyone skeptical to do the treatment. She is pleased to say that she is now pain free and is working toward a complete reversal!

Put Pain in Your Past

If you’ve been sidelined by neuropathy, we want to help you get on the healing path, like Jannie did. Take advantage of our $49 New Patient Special. This offer includes a consultation, exam, X-ray if necessary, and report of findings.

Contact us today to book!

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